clock, jump, hurry

What is Hypnosis?

The word “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word hypnos, meaning sleep. While it may look like sleep from the outside, the experience is often one of heightened awareness.

You’re likely already familiar with hypnotic-like states in your daily life – those moments of peak performance during sports or creative activities, breakthrough moments of clarity, or times when you feel deeply connected to something greater than yourself. Our approach is grounded in humanistic and imaginative principles, recognizing that everything stems from the creative consciousness that forms our universe. You might call this God, Buddha, Universal Creative Force – whatever resonates with you.

What Are the Benefits?

  • Unlock forgotten memories that may be influencing your present life
  • Overcome unexplained phobias and unconscious fears
  • Explore multi-dimensional realities beyond our ordinary awareness
  • Discover your personal world of symbols and imagination
  • Bridge the connection between spiritual realms and their various expressions

Is Past Life Regression Hypnosis Safe?

Yes, it’s completely safe for most people. However, this therapy is not suitable if you have been diagnosed with:

  • Auditory/visual hallucinations
  • Epilepsy
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Psychosis
  • Schizoaffective disorders
  • Schizophrenia

If you have any of these conditions, please consult your healthcare provider or psychiatrist.

Common Misconceptions About Hypnosis

Let’s address some concerns you might have:

  • You remain in full control throughout the session
  • You cannot get “stuck” in hypnosis
  • You won’t do anything against your values or wishes
  • You’ll remain conscious and aware
  • You can speak, move, and think freely
  • Everyone can be hypnotized – some just take more time to relax than others

Session Details

Duration: 90-120 minutes for a single session

Frequency: One session every 4 weeks to allow proper integration


  1. Initial consultation (30 minutes)
  2. Main session (75-90 minutes)
  3. Post-session feedback

Who Can Experience Past Life Regression?

Anyone over 18 can participate. While those who practice meditation might find it easier to relax, everyone can achieve the necessary state of deep relaxation and expanded consciousness. Your personal pace is respected – some people relax quickly, others need more time.


  • Single session: €250 (excluding VAT)
  • 5-session package: €1,000 (excluding VAT)
  • 10-session package: €2,000 (excluding VAT)

Do I Need to Believe in Reincarnation?

Not at all! Past life regression can be viewed as a tool for exploring your inner symbolic world and understanding your soul’s unique language, regardless of your beliefs about reincarnation.

Keys to a Successful Session

Expectation: Your belief in the possibility of being hypnotized significantly increases your chances of success.

Trust: Your mind only accepts what aligns with your moral and ethical values. We encourage visualization and imagination that serves your highest good.

Connection: Building rapport with your practitioner is essential. Feel free to choose a facilitator with whom you feel most comfortable and at ease.

Motivation: The best results come from those who are genuinely ready for personal and spiritual growth. If your commitment level is above 8 out of 10, you’re likely to achieve excellent results.

Remember: You are always in control, and no one can manipulate you to act against your awareness or values. Your facilitator’s role is simply to guide you on this journey, creating optimal conditions for a serene and conscious experience.

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